Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ways To Make Money On A Horse Farm

Correr. Operation Greyhound. Tough week for athletics, according to some grim news, as other encouraging news.
Pedaling . No news of Contador.
Running, cycling and more ... by Caceres. Bad title for a blog at this time.

Wood easy for those who still believe that sport is neither healthy nor clean, nor does it provide.

To reason about these issues it is best to be away from the media. And this time the distance has given me my beloved basketball.
On Saturday I enjoyed the presence of basketball in the street. Adecco cities came to Cáceres.

That I do believe strongly that each athlete has a personal legend. I enjoyed seeing that anywhere in the world there are wonderful athletes with indomitable spirits.

These athletes themselves are legendary.
And they are also those who enjoy playing, learn to respect our rivals, who share with colleagues, trying to improve every day, who bet on his health, which are attached to nerve cords where they are playing , emerging from a terrorist attack and are still claiming to be people of integrity ... Finally, the sport is full of people that will never be known but are legends, by the mere failure to conform to the chair.
And then there are young athletes, of which the basket is never forgotten, that fills their games and laughter with our lives. Reminding us that sport is not just a game with rules.

short. My legendary athletes are only two types: young people who play sports for fun, and adults who practice it for pleasure (whether professional or not.)

I've never found idols in the sport, since time immemorial humanity has built for later toppled idols.

know that idols are only cardboard, and that every drop of sweat from an anonymous athlete lies the essence of sport.
The rest is marketing for Adidas, Nike, Mizuma, Puma, ... and a society devoid of the old values \u200b\u200band principles and essential.

P: D. I joined the side of a blogger friend who now has written something nearly identical to these thoughts: trigloberias: Your idols are you .


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