Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Is It Bad To Smoke 1 Pipe A Day

Navalmoral Valdehúncar-ATHLETES OF LEGEND

On Sunday 19 December was a good day to run. I do not like the end of the sporting year with the San Silvestre botched Caceres, run only by children but is a test I dislike, so this Sunday, December 19, I held my own San Silvestre.
Navalmoral I went with 35 other fellow club members, plus the regular customers. The day did not start very well because I sounded the alarm, the rest of the morning we went Justito of time, which some of my compis of day makes them more nervous than me. Caught the last bus of the organization to move to the small town of Valdehúncar. They had a very nice, with people running out of change, warming coffee etc. .. Taking the MEND.
The race started at 11, just a few minutes before from one of the corrals near a turkey could be heard singing. That post more Christmas!.
La Carerra passed in their first 3 km of roads quite muddy (or not), he turned to go through Valdehúncar and continued by road to Millanes.
The first 6-7 km poked up, but then it was down to Navalmoral, 4 km over the flat end of the town.
aid stations in some of the Santas waiting for us (and Mom), details of good taste, which together with the many members of the organization bike behind us we did not miss anything during the test.
Personally, since as the year (as all years), I slowly for the first 5 km, almost to 4.50, then started to accelerate to go down to 4.30 and a favorable km below 4. On km 10 I joined a group of 5 riders (including my partner Luis Doncel) with comfortable and ended up going with them. For 1 h was 37, and in my last half.

But actually took me a minute and in the streets of Navalmoral and made 1 h 38. And I was a lot of time ahead, had food in Plasencia, of course Christmas lunch.
After a cold shower in the Marist College (which I expected of my beloved Marist, hehe), I went to the awards ceremony in the Multipurpose (Plaza de Toros cover) where my companion picked up his usual Barquilla Paco Award . We gobbled some nice warm tenderloin sandwiches, beers, fruit, yogurt, etc. .. Very good organization and an excellent runner's bag, with gloves, long technical shirt, hat technique ...

The day ended Plasencia road accompanied by my friend Felix Pulido, while we were short of the nth year amateur distance runners, which obviously have not improved at all but I enjoyed it.

The Plasencia Azar hotel, which officially started my Christmas festivities, I turned to find the turkey, this time at the table. And it reminded me so much for the friends and those who are not, it is always moving: Happy holidays.

How Much Do Caesars Palace Robes

Christmas greetings.

'll be good TO FEAR ME DAIS.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Images Of Impacted Feces

Lisbon Marathon-2 º part: The career.

Pim, pam, pum, output. The strategy was to start that day Javi and me together at a slow pace (and not) and then if anyone was better throw forward.
output, we are the center of synchronized clocks.
the race really is divided into 4 parts:

Part 1 KM1-KM10: The rompepiernas.

Not a single level meter with a wind that sometimes made it impossible to move forward, not a soul encouraging charitable side of the road and going through neighborhoods that if I have to I dare not only to joke. Good thing to go in the company we amused ourselves by making bets on when the wind would take my cap. The only thing worth seeing in this part were the stages of Benfica and Sporting Lisbon are impressive and some megacentrocomercial (apparently to the people of Lisbon like a fool rather than a pencil). The other major avenues, streets, offices without a soul, so the Black Death of the animation.

miles with our fans.

Unless a stop on a slope because my partner had the of both legs as clubs going up and down very well and strongly.

Part 2 KM11-KM15: Down the River.

A priori seemed more lively and beautiful stretch of the trail as it continued down to the Tagus through Lisbon's tourist places and I have to say that was a bit cute on the Avenida da Liberdade all carpeted with leaves huge trees that had on its shores. It was a privilege to have it closed to traffic to enjoy a Sunday morning. As spirited as the truth is I can not say that there were people lying, but an encouraging or even looked at us to tell the truth, spent us what they wanted and more, as if they saw rain. How different MAPOMA.

Part 3 KM16-KM34: A Bethlehem shepherds.

Arriving at the Plaza Trade with renewed spirits publicly thank my staff and on the banks of the river, turn right and from here begins the most important stretch of this marathon, which marks the final result. There are 10 miles to Bethlehem and back the same way completely flat but exposed to wind was blowing and how.

At the half marathon together still I took a gel and 3 glasses of isotonic. 2 0 3 miles later, Javi decided down the pace a bit and I went forward. The landscape was pretty ugly but I did hope to go through the bridge April 25 from below even more impressive. I was enjoying a great time with great feelings and people forward without stopping. In the mile I took another gel in a poor aid station with a bottle of water and that's when I realized that either I get hit by a tram of those or would end the marathon. I had no choice.

already almost there.

Part 4 Km35-FIN: The Wall (this time literally).

is clear that he designed the circuit plus some bastard was a Portuguese descendant of Torquemada. After all we had been to finish and just in case we had some energy, 6 km straight uphill through an avenue endless. That looked more like a Andaina a marathon, we were like the Thriller video players indeed. It was a general run-walk if anyone had looked for the road (which was not the case) would have been scared to death.
The Holy Company.

Finally Stadium on May 1, when I entered the running track could not help but get excited not only because we finally had people cheering, but because it had been hard but I had succeeded, was running for the tartan to 200 meters from the goal arc that was why he had trained so much.
4:32:21, slightly less for my Garmin.

I do not think back to Lisbon to run a marathon but I'm glad I did.

putting his medal.


Tere for having the patience to endure my coaches at the wrong time and to steal long time for it.

Javi For Monica and their encouragement throughout the course and it is always best to get to the finish while watching the faces of the people you love.

A Fer because although he could not come was present at the race and how it was, is and will be my inspiration to keep the bad times. Thanks brother.

A Harvey for putting up the first mile, I'm sorry Uncle nerves give me speak, hahaha.

All I have encouraged, advised, congratulations, etc .... You do not know how grateful match that promise that I'm a disaster.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Tell If Your Steep Tech Is Real Or Fake

Lisbon Marathon: Part 1: The previous.

I like to write the chronicles of the races (and less if it is a marathon) 10 days later but in this case because the holiday is what you get, I feel expected.

As I say my second marathon and is passed as the first has been a history of many kilometers long time stolen from family and friends, lots of rain, wind, cold, night, early morning. Without doubt the worst of the marathon is to prepare, the last 42km and beak are to enjoy them if you can and I think I have.

For me all these things we do on Sundays starting on Saturday when you go to pick up the dorsal and the chip and notes the previous environment, and upon arriving in Lisbon, we went through the stage on May 1 which was where the fair (which in this case was mini Fair) where I got the stock broker with a nice shirt, a backpack and a little more, well actually nothing more, nothing happens but hey had not been to win a shopping cart full of gels, jellies and stuff.

There were still 2 hours for the pasta party and there was little to do so the party decided to create our own and we headed downtown to meet my sister and my brother that would be the official leaders the next day. Dinner for 4 at an Italian in the upper quarter of Lisbon (I guess this is like going to Rome and ask for grilled cod).

The feeling at that time were kind of innocent affright mixed with a wild desire to pass around and to be a tourist. I went to bed early

sparing coffee at A Brasileira and strangely not take long to fall asleep, which is appreciated if the next day at 6 o'clock the alarm clock. As the hotel did not open until 7 breakfast I mounted it myself in the room (breakfast malpensaos), 40 little minutes of sleep, "pick up" final shower and hygienic. As was all prepared the day before when he went to school as soon I get dressed and get nothing to take the subway that day was free for participants. He had been with

javiyl in a station near the exit and there we are. We were walking with the nerves in the face to the stadium and there were waiting to be 9:00 am to start running.

The atmosphere was small but very international career, there were people from many countries and so many other things does not understand a shit what you say at the start, I guess I would be willing luck, I say.

Regarding climate
or ordered, nice weather, cloudy, no rain .... CONTINUED ....

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ways To Make Money On A Horse Farm

Correr. Operation Greyhound. Tough week for athletics, according to some grim news, as other encouraging news.
Pedaling . No news of Contador.
Running, cycling and more ... by Caceres. Bad title for a blog at this time.

Wood easy for those who still believe that sport is neither healthy nor clean, nor does it provide.

To reason about these issues it is best to be away from the media. And this time the distance has given me my beloved basketball.
On Saturday I enjoyed the presence of basketball in the street. Adecco cities came to Cáceres.

That I do believe strongly that each athlete has a personal legend. I enjoyed seeing that anywhere in the world there are wonderful athletes with indomitable spirits.

These athletes themselves are legendary.
And they are also those who enjoy playing, learn to respect our rivals, who share with colleagues, trying to improve every day, who bet on his health, which are attached to nerve cords where they are playing , emerging from a terrorist attack and are still claiming to be people of integrity ... Finally, the sport is full of people that will never be known but are legends, by the mere failure to conform to the chair.
And then there are young athletes, of which the basket is never forgotten, that fills their games and laughter with our lives. Reminding us that sport is not just a game with rules.

short. My legendary athletes are only two types: young people who play sports for fun, and adults who practice it for pleasure (whether professional or not.)

I've never found idols in the sport, since time immemorial humanity has built for later toppled idols.

know that idols are only cardboard, and that every drop of sweat from an anonymous athlete lies the essence of sport.
The rest is marketing for Adidas, Nike, Mizuma, Puma, ... and a society devoid of the old values \u200b\u200band principles and essential.

P: D. I joined the side of a blogger friend who now has written something nearly identical to these thoughts: trigloberias: Your idols are you .