Saturday, November 15, 2008

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10 reasons to start running ...

People are starting to run for several reasons. Some run because they want to lose weight, improve their health, compete in races or try something new. Whatever the reasons, benefits will experience physical, mental and emotional from the sport. Here are 10 reasons to start running:

1 - Running improves your health. One of the biggest benefits of running is that it is good for health. Running is a great way to strengthen the heart and ensure the efficient flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body, which reduces the risk of a heart attack. Ejericio, combined with a healthy weight is one of the best ways to lower blood pressure naturally if elevated. If you have high cholesterol, running can help reduce it. Running also improves your immune system so your body is more effective and efficient in the fight against germs. Running and other exercises increase bone density, which combat the risk of osteoporosis.

2 - you can lose weight. Many people start running to cut some kilos of more. Like so many vigorous exercise, running is very efficient at burning calories and lose weight. If you are at a healthy weight may help keep it running. Nor think that running gives you a license to eat all you want. The basic rule for weight loss that you burn more calories than you eat also applies to runners.

3 - Running for a cause. can also be run to contribute to society. Many races benefit charities or aid. Run for something like this is more motivating for training store procedures.

4-Running can meet new people. Alunas runners enjoy the tranquility of running solor, but some traders see the fact as a social run. Running with a group is a great way to develop a sense of community. You can define goals and target everyone ellas.Correr in groups is more motivating, shared the triumphs and overcomes obstacles.

5 - You can experience something new and different. Running is a great way to expand your horizons and leave your daily routine. Sport gives people the opportunity to explore and discover areas of their country or the world that would otherwise not known.

6 - You can train for a specific goal. Some hate to exercise by doing nothing else but running, you can train for races of 5 k, 10k or marathon. Training to run a specific career and motivates you most definitely improves your self esteem to see that you'll gradually overcome.

7 - Running improves your energy level. When you feel tired or lethargic, running is a way to release your energy. Runners who run in the morning saying that improve your energy level during the day. Combining the run with a healthy diet will help you improve even more your energy level.

8 - Running improves your self-esteem. regular brokers are increased confidence and self esteem and this is even more enhanced when you offer a specific goal and achieve it.

9 - Running is versatile and cheap. Running requier very little equipment and can be done almost anywhere. All you need is proper shoes and jogging.

10 - Running is anti-stress. Like any other exercise, running is a cure for emotional stress and work. Studies have shown that adults who exercise regularly are generally happier than those who do not.

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Should you run the day before the race?

There are many opinions about whether you should run or not the day before the race. On the one hand, it is good to rest the muscles for the race, especially if it is a long race like the marathon (42 km). Most riders who rely on the previous day feel fresh and ready when they are in the starting line. But other runners feel better if the day before the race running for 20 minutes in a smooth and relaxed, and it helps ease the nerves themselves of it. Therefore
each rider must decide what is best for. If the rider is the type that are nervous and anxious about the race, would be beneficial for him to do 20 minutes of jogging the day before the race, but if you think it is better to rest, rest 24 hours before the race .

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

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Nike 10k Run 2008 in Montevideo

Last Saturday was the classic Nike 10k run in which about 7700 athletes. Actually it was a real party, despite the feints that made the time it would rain, finally when the start was spectacular.
impeccable organization of any point of view, prior to heating, during the tour, plus hydration and fruits, cereals and Gatorade were delivered on arrival. If anything was a negative thing was that at the start there was no carpet on what we started back we could not compute our net time and although the columns were marked so that people were located at the proper position, the first kilometer was very difficult to find your own pace.
Very cute design page where you publish the time of each and where you can search easily and in different ways, in addition to comparing the time of "known" to quietly feed the ego and gain momentum for the next 10k.

Friday, November 7, 2008

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How will you breathe when running? Proper hydration

From small understand that breathing is a natural, as natural as getting out of breath when physically demanding on our bodies. If you turn on the television and see some athletic competition, we might ask more than once how brokers may go ahead without stopping to rest and regain proper breathing pattern. Well, here are a few details.

A proper breathing is almost as important as being in good shape
When we run, we ran out of breath. This is normal. This is natural. Our body runs through the oxygen, similar to a car run by gasoline. Each Once you begin exercising either running, walking or doing any physical activity, our muscle mass requires more oxygen. Then, your body fills this need by blood getting rich in this chemical element in our muscles. Our lungs work so much more intense to absorb oxygen from the air this respiramos.Nos ran out of breath.
2 / 2. Without giving us much notice of what we do when we train we can see that we, like the vast majority of runners, they breathe at a rate 2 / 2. That is, take two steps while inhaling and two exhalan.Ahora as well, if you're running a really slow pace, tend to breathe at a rate of 3 / 3. But if you go too fast, breathing this constant changes its value to 2 / 1 or even 1/1.En any case, we can say that the most common are exercising it while breathing in a 2 / 2. While we are running
If we start counting the number of times you breathe in - breathe out and attach it to the number of steps we are taking, perhaps we can discover a different rhythm mentioned above. If so, we need not worry: our constant attempt to fit any of the securities referred to is not going to make better runners. Why
mouth or nose?
There are several conflicting opinions on whether to breathe through the nose or mouth. The commonality is that we have been taught to inhale and exhale through the first and the second, but this is not necessarily correct: Many runners use the two breathing passages, regardless of orden.El New Zealand coach Arthur Lydiard, when asked about the correct way to breathe, said: "Breathe through your nose ... Breathe through your mouth ... absorbs oxygen through your ears if necessary."
To take into account.
Our jaw must be completely relaxed. Our mouth slightly open. The oxygen will pass through our nose and mouth duct first our lungs, our blood and then finally to our muscles, with no need to dwell on it.
And keep in mind that breathing is a very natural, as natural as getting out of breath while running.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

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Much is said about the importance of hydration before and after running, but what about during your workout or competition. Proper hydration
when running is essential to your well-being and performance, however, riders need to know when and when consuming sports drinks will be sufficient simply to take regular water.
The isotonic sports drink also called as Gatorade or Powerade contain electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. When you run, your body loses electrolytes through sweat. Because the electrolytes help your body retain fluid and can also prevent muscle cramps, you must replace them run for a period longer than 90 minutes.

Runners who do not adequately replace electrolytes during long trips or skills may be at risk of over-hydration. The hyponatremia is a low concentration of sodium in the blood, which can happen when athletes consume excessive amounts of water and do not replace salts lost through sweating.
Participants in marathons and other endurance events have been disoriented and collapsed during the competitions due to hyponatremia. However, many more runners in these events have been collapsed by dehydration
, heat exhaustion and heatstroke .
The basic rule for hydration during a race is to ingest 200 ml to 250 ml of fluid every 20 minutes. In races lasting longer than 90 minutes, you can switch between sports drinks and water. Then, in each recess to take for extra moisture, you should drink a sports drink.
For short strokes will be fine if it is hydrated with plain water. Another benefit of sports drinks is that they contain carbohydrates. Since it is necessary to consume calories while you run around for over 90 minutes, sports drinks will help absorb some of the calories your body needs.
Some riders have found that sometimes get the calories they need is more easily through liquids by solids, especially during the later stages of a race or long competition.


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Training Plan 10 K

Level: Beginner (Men and women who want to start in the 10k)

Plan: 4 days a week.
Duration: 5 WEEKS

1st week Monday - 20 minutes
Tuesday - Rest Wednesday
- 3 races at a rapid pace of 5 minutes (3 min jog between runs)
Thursday - Rest
Friday - 25 min stable career
Saturday - Rest Sunday
- 30 min of light jogging

2nd Week
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 35 minutes of light jogging
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 20 min.
stable career Friday - Rest Saturday
- 2 runs at a brisk pace of 10 minutes (walk 4 min between runs)
Sunday - 40 minutes of light jogging

Week 3 Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 30 minutes
stable career Wednesday - 3 races of 5 min, 3 min jog between runs
Thursday - Rest
Friday - 35 min stable career
Saturday - Rest Sunday
- 50 min light jogging

4th week Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 35 min
stable career Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 40 min stable career
Friday - 4 runs of 6 min (3 min jog)
Saturday - Rest Sunday
- 60 min light jogging

the 5th WEEK Sunday - Rest
Tuesday - 30 min stable career
Wednesday - 3 races steady pace of 8 min, 2 min jog between
Thursday - Rest
Friday - 25 min stable career
Saturday - Rest Sunday
- 10 KM RACE

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run my first 10k run.

ago and one year, I started running (and walking) to lose a few pounds more than I had. I started running and walking intermittently 3 or 4 times per week, completing each time between 2 and 6 miles. One day a friend and his wife who runs 10k pushed me to run the San Fernando 10k, runs one of the most important international Uruguay which runs the 6 January. At that point we were a little over a month of the event and I remember being told "If you run 6km, runs 10 to laughter." Does not need anything else for that month and started to step up "my training", and pointing to something real that was the challenge of running the 10k.
For more than 41 years and I have soccer all my life I always had problems with my knees (I was even ligament surgery on right) which made the challenge even bigger.
One day before the race we went on a "honeymoon" with my wife Piriápolis (leaving the Gurises with grandma), we beach despite the recommendations of more experienced riders that was not much sun .
Finally came the day of the race, we got up around 10, we left the hotel and at noon we were ready for lunch. I ordered the waiter a succulent dish of noodles with reference to the suggestion: the day of the race you have to eat pasta that will provide the carbohydrates necessary for the race. Doing everything at face value, ingesting enough water and ice cream for dessert we went to Punta del Este where was the race. We arrived at the start and we meet the friend who had encouraged me to run. Despite missing two hours to the start and is worth the effort of preparation, to see hundreds or thousands of riders and passengers of all ages, sex and weight were in the environment. Without having started warming up, but with full dress and the chip placed on the shoe lace, sweating as if in the middle of the race, a little by nerves and the other by how hot it was on that January afternoon . We
warming and a half hour before the start we had to place among the more than 5000 athletes that we were to leave. Began the countdown of 10 seconds and finally we took the road. To start a nice ledge where we saw plenty of the former as they climbed the hill. The first blocks were quite difficult because all I wanted to spend and ligabas occasional nudge. Later and had cleared the track a bit and was experiencing mixed feelings: disappointment when I spent a veteran as a post or motivation when passing
some "skinny bastard."

Luckily the people who were on the sides encouraged us, and though it was my first time I could enjoy the scenery from the coastline of Punta del Este as he ran. Missing and wondered how little remained for the truth is he was tired solidarity and told me we missing a half ky. It took me forever but when I agree to the distance we could see the arc arrival.
I spent the goal when the clock showed 56 minutes and I was really excited when the crowd saw my wife and my friend yelled.
Then I realized I had met myself and have to run 10k would be something that would make me feel good. Finally we find other runners from my pay and I "spent" when told of the succulent dish of noodles that had eaten at noon. At that time I learned that carbohydrates the day of the race is "without tuco."