TRAIL RUNNING RACE IN THE NUTS Let's see, if I tell you that in these last days of Holy Week have been running through the province of Palencia with my brother Jaime anyone does not read on. So I'll tell you so well and get to see some pictures so beautiful, that you will give up envy.
The northern Palencia not be understood without its river, the Pisuerga. He has shaped this region and has become the beauty that is. One of the best ways is to understand this duality river-landscape happens to accompany to Pisuerga part of his journey of initiation.
From here we prepare to leave Aguilar de Campo early. A superb passage of trout to the edge of town. downstream the river passes through a plateau, which after a few kilometers, is encased between limestone rocks to make way for Canyon de la Horadada.
On both sides of the canyon, is the most famous karst landscape in the mountain area Palencia, Natural Monument nuts.
Aguilar on leave from 8.30 am, following the river did the first 5 kilometers in the direction of Villaescusa de las Torres. The terrain is easy, as is also easy to scare the deer that are seen here often.
Near the village of Villaescusa is on the rocky plateau that insatala nuts. From down here the capricious shapes suggest ancient towers, castles and defenses.
From here have to suffer, the way climbs and you enter through small canyons out of the rock in a beautiful pine forest.
The hard part of the climb is 3 miles, but worth the effort. The place that we presented above invites us to wander through a maze of alleys, deep valleys, sinkholes, Seton .. We did about 4 miles perdiendones certainly many beautiful corners. But here are two examples.
And then touches down, and Jaime take him to strive to sweep away the taste of this decline. This guide your steps the nature.
Sometimes even perceive that the landscape becomes a journey into the depths of your soul.
to re Aguilar de Campo, to complete 17 km, the conversation turns to my friend hacerrme see that in this area the landscape is not the only attraction, very few miles there several lessons from History, Art, Religion, Biology .... that await us in the coming days.
And they enjoyed it immensely, and learned that among them will become the person you are. MIDDLE MAN BUT DOES NOT HELP TO UNDERSTAND.